Brown Bros Skip Bins provides waste management and recycling skip bin services to a customer base of residential, commercial and industrial clients across the Sydney greater metropolitan area. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees, labour hire, subcontractors, visitors and any other people who may be affected by its operations.
Across all business operations, Brown Bros Skip Bins will at all times pursue best practice in work health and safety and fulfil its statutory duties with regard to work health and safety (WHS) legislation. The company will also maintain an integrated management system to achieve the requirements of the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001.
Resources are provided to enable the implementation of this WHS policy and all elements of the management system to maintain the physical and psychological wellbeing of employees. This includes establishing measurable objectives to implement, maintain and continuously improve the management system.
Managers and supervisors will be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the Integrated Management System and standards within the workplaces under their control.
All workers are required to comply with this policy and the management system at all times. They are expected to work in a healthy and safe manner whilst discouraging others from working in an unsafe manner. Education and training will be provided for all employees on health and safety issues relevant to their work.
This policy is an outline of the commitment which this company places upon workplace health and safety and we will work to ensure commitment from everyone involved with our operations to achieve and maintain the health and safety of all.